RE: Panel on in San Francisco

We actually have a mapping already since two months done by me and Maria. Where is it by the way? What status?

Actually, what could be relevant is to write an ma-ont RDF instance and write the equivalent in Microdata and RDFa Lite.

From: Thierry MICHEL []
Sent: 11 June 2012 15:25
To: Dan Brickley
Subject: Re: Panel on in San Francisco

Thanks Dan for your valuable info.
We were thinking about adding a new mapping of our Ontology to


Le 11/06/2012 15:03, Dan Brickley a écrit :
> On 11 June 2012 13:48, Thierry MICHEL<>  wrote:
>> FYI,
>> Minutes of the public panel at the Semantic Technology&  Business
>> Conference, San Francisco, on 6 June 2012
> They're not so much 'minutes' as informal notes...
> Anyway, see also
> ... I blogged the main things we announced
> cheers,
> Dan
>>> On 6/7/2012 9:56 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>>> I moderated a panel on yesterday at the SemTech conference, and
>>> Karen was great because she took minutes! Here they are:


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