[ACTION-472] Compile list of status code issues / additional issues

Dear all,

I have reviewed the API status codes [1] in the normative JSON files of the testsuite implementation [2] and I found some issues that should be addressed.
All of these issues are related to the usage of status code 206 (partial content).
For me, 206 is misused in many cases since its semantics is possibly not quite clear.

I think, 206 should be returned in cases where only partial data of available data for a media resource is returned.
For example, when requesting the FrameSize property and Height will be returned only, while data about Width is available as well should result in status code 206.
On the other side, when retrieving a location property for which the name of the location (locationLabel) is available only - further information like latitude and longitude is not available -
I suggest to return status code 200 (OK), since all the available information will be returned.

Taken my interpretation of the usage of satus code 206 into account, I suggest to change the status code 206 to 200 in for the following MediaAnnotation objects:
Location, Copyright
Contributor, MADate, Location, Relation, Copyright
Locator, Location, Creator, Relation, TargetAudience, NamendFragment, Fragment, FrameSize
Copyright, FrameSize
Location, Copyright, Policy, TargetAudience, Fragment, FrameSize
LOM 2.1:
Media RSS:
Location, Rating, Copyright, Policy, FrameSize
Relation, TargetAudience
Contributor, Creator, MADate, Location, Rating, Relation, Copyright, Policy

Furthermore, I suggest that in a JSON response, MediaAnnotation objects should only contain attributes with associated values.
For example, in the following MediaAnnotation object, the attributes language, fragmentIdentifer, typeLink, and typeLabel should be removed, since no value is available for these attributes.
{ "Title" : {
    "propertyName" : "title",
    "value" : "Oasis Concert Stage @ I Am A Walrus",
    "language" : "",
    "sourceFormat" : "dig35",
    "fragmentIdentifier" : "",
    "mappingType" : "exact",
    "titleLabel" : "Oasis Concert Stage @ I Am A Walrus",
    "typeLink" : "",
    "typeLabel" : "",
    "statusCode" : 200

This issue applies to many MediaAnnotation objects in following documents:
DIG35, Dublin Core, EBUCore, Exif, ID3, IPTC, LOM, MediaRSS, DMS-1, TV-Anytime, TXFeed, XMP, YouTube

Moreover, while examining the status codes, I made the observation that some JSON response documents are not in sync with the corresponding ontology examples.
Therefore, MediaAnnotation objects include data which are not present in the corresponding ontology document.
I thought that the ontology documents should be the basis for the JSON responses?
Concerning formats:
EBUCore, Exif, ID3, LOM, MediaRSS, TV-Anytime

[1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-mediaont-api-1.0-20111122/#api-status-codes
[2]: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/TestSuite_implementation

Hope my observation scan help to improve the JSON documents.

Martin Höffernig
Audiovisual Media Group
DIGITAL - Institute for Information and Communication Technologies

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

phone:  +43-316-876-1184
general fax: +43-316-876-1191
web:    http://www.joanneum.at/digital
e-mail: martin.hoeffernig@joanneum.at<mailto:martin.hoeffernig@joanneum.at>

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2012 10:53:32 UTC