Re: RE : ACTION for editors.

> Now for your 2 RDF files
> Looking at them, they seem fine (with my very small RDF/OWL expertise)
> I have tried to open it with Protégé.
> I get a long list of java.awt errors.
> see attached screen shot

I was finally able to open these two RDF files. I did not notice any 
particular problem reported by Protégé.

But it needs a final reviewer to check all the RDF files with some 
Protégé expertise. We had plan this in August. It will be done when 
everyone has provided their files.

Meanwhile, until this final review, I guess we can consider your 2 RDF 
files to be done.
Once you have sent me the 3 HTML files updated I will mark your files in 
green "pass the guidelines"


Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 16:24:19 UTC