X.X Captions and signing

Section 5 defines a gerenal property fragment with a role attribute to specify the relation between the resource and its fragment, like captioning or signing. In the RDF representation, this is achieved by defining subproperties of the ma:hasFragment property.

Captions and signing of a media resource can be provided in different forms, the most typical being:

To account for this diversity, the RDF ontology does not link ma:hasTrack with ma:hasCaptioning or ma:hasSigning. The last two can link a media resource to any fragment, e.g. a spatial fragment of the video track where the signing is located, or even an external file considered as a fragment of the resource. If the fragment is also a track, nothing prevents to link it with both properties ma:hasCaptioning and ma:hasTrack.

For example, the following RDF describes a video with embeded signing, subtitles as an external file, and a track containing audio-description (caption for accessibility):

  <video.ogv> a ma:MediaResource ;
    ma:hasSigning <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90>;
    ma:hasSubtitling <./video.srt> ;
    ma:hasAudioDescription <video.ogv?track=subtitle> ;
    ma:hasTrack <video.ogv?track=subtitle> ;

X.X Languague for media resources

The core set of properties proposed in section 5 only defines a single property for specifying the language of a media resource. However, a media resource may have several languages. For example, a video file can have the following languages applying to it:

The four language codes could be directly applied to the video file, using the language core property (ma:hasLanguage in the RDF representation), but this would lose a part of the information.

If one wants to keep the complete information, the recommended option is to assign each language to the appropriate fragment of the video, using [MediaFragment] to identify them, and the core property fragment (ma:hasFragment and its subproperties in the RDF representation) to link them to the video file itself. In the example above, we would have:

The corresponding RDF would be:
  <video.ogv> a ma:MediaResource ;
    ma:hasTrack <video.ogv#track=audio>,  
    ma:hasSubtitling <video.ogv#track=subtitle> ;
    ma:hasSigning <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> .  

  <video.ogv#track=audio> a ma:AudioTrack ;
    ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "en-GB" ] ;
    ma:hasFragment <video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> .

  <video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> a ma:MediaFragment ;
    ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "fr" ] .

  <video.ogv#track=subtitle> a ma:DataTrack ;
    ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "es" ] .

 <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> a ma:MediaFragment ;
    ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "sgn-GB" ] .