Re: additional example

Examples added.

But there is an issue with the example:

when using &t=10, the xml doc does not valide as it thinks it is an 
entity missing the ; like &t;

I have changed the '&' to '@' until I found a way to escape this.

     ma:hasFragment <video.ogv#track=audio@t=10,20> .
     <video.ogv#track=audio@t=10,20>  a ma:MediaFragment ;


Le 19/01/2011 19:48, Pierre-Antoine Champin a écrit :
> Hi,
> following some discussions in the RDF-TF, we thought it would be good to
> include some explaination about
> - representation of captions/signing in the RDF ontology
> - how to deal with multiple languages
> I therefore propose to include those two subsections to
> (currently section 6, which I proposed in another mail to swap with
> section 7)
> regards
> pa

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 20:02:54 UTC