improve markup of normative/informative sections for the Ontology spec

Per my action Item to improve markup of normative/informative, probably 
with specific class to visualise [recorded in]

here is my proposal:

1- We should mention that all sections not marked as "informative" are 
normative, except for examples.

2- we should add the following markup for informative sections.
a- write "This section is informative."
b- add some styling.

example of markup:

<h2>2.1 <a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>

<div class="informative">
<p><em>This section is informative.</em></p>

<p>This is the informative paragraph to be edited ...</p>

and add the following CSS code in an external style sheet:
   .informative { background-color: #eee; border: solid green; 
border-width: 1px; padding: 0.5em;}

here is an example that we had used for SMIL.

Another solution (as we shortly discussed at the F2F, is to say that the 
all spec is normative ...

Received on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:19:00 UTC