API Status Codes

This section introduces a set of status codes for the defined API to indicate the system behaviour. It uses a subset of the HTML/1.1 status codes for general informations (e.g., bad request), but also system specific ones (e.g., property not defined in source format). The specific status codes have been arranged in the HTML/1.1 status codes categories. These codes can be retrieved by calling the getDiagnosis method.

The set of status codes my be enlarged or changed in later versions of this document. The numerical code range for the system specific status codes start with x62 (x = number of HTML/1.1 status codes category and 62 = MA).

Numerical Code Textual Description Example
200 Ok property delivered correctly
204 No Content property retrieved without content
206 Partial Content only a subset of the available data stored in the result set
262 Syntactic Mapping retrieval used a syntactic mapping
263 Semantic Mapping retrieval used a semantic mapping
264 Structured Return Value result is structured
265 Unstructured Return Value result is unstructured
400 Bad Request syntactical error with respect to the GET method used
404 Not Found the queries resource is not found
415 Unsupported Media Type get duration call on an image data store
462 Property not defined in Source Format location is not defined in MediaRSS
500 Internal Server Error internal library (e.g., extractor) crashes
501 Not Implemented only a subset of GET methods for properties implemented