RE : RDFisation of the MAWG ontology

No worries, i know you didn't mean that at all ;-)

De : [] de la part de Felix Sasaki []
Date d'envoi : mardi, 30. mars 2010 16:57
À : Evain, Jean-Pierre
Cc : ???;
Objet : Re: RDFisation of the MAWG ontology

Hi Jean-Pierre,

I did not want to imply that you are not busy, and I am very sorry if it sounded like that. I am not sure if I can make the call tomorrow, but if that is OK with you, Tobias, please add my to the participants list in Skype.


2010/3/30 Evain, Jean-Pierre <<>>
Hi Felix,

We are all living the same fate. Saying I have nothing to do would be an euphemism.



From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
Sent: mardi, 30. mars 2010 15:03
To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
Cc: ???;<>
Subject: Re: RDFisation of the MAWG ontology

Hello Jean-Pierre,

I am busy with other things, so I can't take the time to organize the taskforce - so if you or somebody else wants to take over ...


2010/3/30 Evain, Jean-Pierre <<>>
Hello there,

Who can tell me / confirm if there is a call of the RDF TF sometimes soon (tomorrow?)



From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of ???
Sent: mardi, 30. mars 2010 14:18
Subject: ReSpec.js ? W3C Specification Writing Tool

Hi. All,
When I made the initial draft of Gallery API in DAP WG, I had experience of ReSpec.js. It’s really cool to editors and even readers.
So in today’s call, I proposed to change the XML based source file(XMLSpec.dtd based)of our API doc to ReSpec.js based source.
If you want to understand more for this, just refer below doc ;)

ReSpec.js — W3C Specification Writing Tool

best regards,

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Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 16:13:48 UTC