Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG teleconf - 2010-03-23

Dear all,

unfortunately a meeting has just been called in, thus I'll miss the telecon.

For point 1 [b] (the F2F): I will attend
For point 2 [c] (the RDFs task force): Veronique sent around a summary of
our first telecon; perhaps she can answer questions that arise on this
issue during our telecon?
A doodle poll has been setup by Felix to organize a second call.

Best regards,


> I will be flying back from the US tomorrow morning.
> But I should be able to attend if my flight is not delay.
> Thierry.
> Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> my regrets for this telecon, I have a conflicting meeting.
>>   pa
>> On 21/03/2010 15:28, Joakim Söderberg wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Below is the agenda for our call on Tuesday.
>>> Last time our meeting starts one hour earlier for NON-US callers!
>>> *===================================================================*
>>> *Tuesday,  23 March 11:00-12:00 UTC*
>>> *===================================================================*
>>> * **Zakim General Information*
>>> <>
>>> Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
>>> Bridge FR: +
>>> Bridge UK: +44.117.370.6152
>>> Conference code : 6294 (spells "MAWG")
>>> Duration : 60 minutes
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> IRC channel : #mediaann on <>
>>> W3C
>>> IRC Web Client : (Other clients are
>>> listed at
>>> <>)
>>> Zakim information :
>>> Zakim bridge monitor :
>>> Zakim IRC bot :
>>> *===================================================================*
>>> [1] Administratives
>>> Chair: Joakim
>>> Scribe: Pierre-Antoine
>>> Regrets:
>>> [a] Agenda review and approval of previous minutes telecon
>>> _
>>> [b] Selection of scribe for next meeting
>>> Scribe list:
>>> [c] Schedule for the next call on 30.03.2010
>>> [d] 7th F2F, Hosted by Werner in Vienna, april 26-28 is confirmed!
>>> [2] Items
>>> [a] Action items
>>> [b] Way forward to LC for Ontology and API documents?
>>> i) Ontology and API Documents have been re-published (9 of March)
>>> ii) There will be a publication black-out. Publications resume 25
>>> March.
>>> Can we have versions ready for LC publication by then?
>>> iii) We have gotten valuable feed back from
>>>     Alan Lillich (Ontology) "xmpDM:copyright was actually a mistake "
>>> etc.
>>>     Bennett Marks (Ontology)  "LocationCreated" and "LocationShown"
>>> etc.
>>>     Dominique (API)
>>> Plan on how to treat this feedback?
>>> [c] RDFs task force update
>>> There is a great interest in forming a task force to work on the RDF
>>> representation.
>>> Who will do this?
>>> How to avoid conflict with other deadlines? (Call for implementation
>>> May
>>> 2010)
>>> Perhaps it can even speed up the evolvement process of the Ontology
>>> doc?
>>> [d] Test Suite team
>>> The following participants are willing to push the work on the test
>>> suit: AFIAK, ETRI (Wonsuk), Ericsson (Joakim), Ghent Univ (Chris), Univ
>>> of Applied Science Potsdam (Felix) and Univ of Passau (Florian)  are
>>> working on it.
>>> [e] AOB
>>> /Joakim

Dr. Tobias Bürger

STI Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck, Austria

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 09:32:29 UTC