Re: comments on OMR 1.0 mapping to IPTC Schemas

Hello Michael,

thank you for your very useful and detailed comments. I am not working on
this mapping, but on the XMP mapping table, so I have a comment related to
that below.

2010/4/15 Michael Steidl (IPTC) <>

>  Hi Media Annotations Group
> I went over the Ontology for Media Resource 1.0 working draft (
> )
> and would like to make some comments on the mapping to IPTC G2 properties:
> * general: the attribute for QCodes is named @qcode and not @QCode, this is
> a syntax typo
> * general: a couple of G2 properties require that the predicate of the RDF
> triple is expressed by a resource identifier in the QCode format (or a
> document-local one as literal). In short that are all the elements with a
> @qcode property. In addition to this identifier a name may be added.
> Therefore I strongly recommend that all properties you recommend to map to
> are shown with an XPath pointing to the @qcode attribute first and then as
> an addition to the name child element. This would align best with the
> alternative {identifier URI|String} in your specifications. Currently some
> of the QCode-properties have only an XPath to the name: contributor,
> creator, itemClass
> * ma:description: I recommend to map only to G2 description and headline.
> Dateline is only a fraction of a description and slugline is only a sequence
> of keywords and identifiers in a provider-specific context.
> * ma:identifier: mapping is wrong: the identifier of a G2 is in its @guid
> attribute, plus in the @version attribute. The altId as an alternative ID in
> another system.
> * ma:publisher: mapping to G2 provider is wrong, XPath
> /newsItem/itemMeta/provider/facet/name/name does not exist. Proposal:
> /newsItem/itemMeta/provider/name
> * ma:relation:
> - the clear equivalent of ma:relation is the G2 property “link” under
> itemMeta
> - instanceOf and memberOf do not establish a relationship to another item.
> They express only that this item is a specific instance of a type/class of
> items or that it is a member of a group of items
> - sameAs, broader, narrower, related must not be used with NewsML-G2 news
> items, only with concept items.
> - typo in NewsML-G2 column: istanceOf -> instanceOf
> * ma:keyword: please be aware that the latest version of NewsML-G2 got a
> keyword property added. The subject property has much more focussed
> semantics (“the content of this item hasSubject ....” while the one for
> keyword is much more open – and vague, but the property is simply widely
> used.
> * ma:genre: the XPath mappings in the rightmost column are wrong. Must be
> /newsItem/contentMeta/genre/name or /newsItem/contentMeta/genre/@qcode
> * ma:rating: I recommend mapping to/from the G2 urgency property which is
> in a 1 to 9 integer range.
> * ma:collection: the G2 memberOf property is the perfectly equivalent one
> * ma:location: typo in /newsItem/partMeta/located/literal, should be
> /newsItem/partMeta/located/@literal – the same applies to @qcode
> * ma:frameSize: may I ask if the first word in the How-to-Mapping column is
> a typo: should “Beware ...” be “Be aware of ..”, we would prefer the second
> ;-)
> * ma:fragements, ma:namedFragements: I understand that the OMR 1.0 makes
> only a difference by either using a role or a label with the resource ID. In
> a first approach the G2 partMeta is the right property for this purpose. The
> tuple partMeta/role/@qcode + partMeta/@partid is highly equivalent to
> ma:fragements, while the G2 partMeta has no name/label, thus not fully
> equivalent to ma:namedFragements. And I cannot identify the equivalence of
> the Xpaths of the rightmost column with the OMR definitions.
> * ma:title: no mapping recommended, I propose using the title element under
> itemMeta.
> * For the reference to the NewsML-G2 specifications on the OMR main
> document please use the URL - thanks
> ------------
> In addition to this review of the IPTC mapping I would like to add one more
> comments:
> * as the IPTC is very involved in XMP we would like to point out, that the
> “Table 1: XMP” is misleading: the “XMP Attributes” like dc:contributor etc
> are definitely not part of the XMP specifications, as the namespace prefix
> indicates they are part of the Dublin Core specification. XMP is a
> completely metadata property agnostic framework based on RDF/XML – and Adobe
> makes only use of some properties in their implementation for Adobe
> products, like Photoshop etc. But it would be fully XMP compliant to have an
> XMP packet without a single Dublin Core property but Descriptions,
> Identifiers etc. from other namespaces.

Sure. However, keep in mind that the ontology is supposed to be used to
provide mapping relations for an API. Below is a sample method, adapted from

maobject1 = setMAResource ("video.flv");

So you want to be able to get the title of a media resource - which is
AFAICT stored as dc:title in XMP.
Of course there might media files without dc:title, as you pointed out.
Because of that I would map ma:title to let's say:
- dc:title, exact mapping, dataype langalt (allows for language
- xmpDM:album, related mapping, album title in the XMP Dynamic Media schema
- xmp:Nickname related mapping, text datatype, XMP Basic schema
- xmp:Label, related mapping, text XMP Basic schema

Also the XMP mapping table needs a thorough revision, and I am currently at
it, with more updates later today.

Best regards,


> Many thanks for this work as we see that NewsML-G2 provides one of the most
> complete mappings to OMR of all referenced metadata schemas, so it may make
> sense to stay in touch.
> Best regards
> Michael
> ==================================================
> Sent by:
> Michael Steidl
> Managing Director of the IPTC <>
> International Press Telecommunications Council -
> Business office address:
> 20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom
> Registered in England, company no 101096

Received on Friday, 16 April 2010 10:05:39 UTC