Re: ACTIONS 137, 138, 144

Hi Werner,

just a few questions on the contents of the datatype row:

- I assume types like PersonNameType are defined as XML Schema data types?
Could you add a reference to the definition or paste in the type? I know the
table will get large, but the information would be very valuable IMO.
- Is there a restriction on the value of Unique ID, e.g. that it has to
follow xml:id? Again a reference would be great.
- Is "string" just a Unicode string? In general: Is there a restriction on
the character encoding of MPEG-7? XML requires not more than utf-8 and
utf-16, but others are possible.
- What is the difference between UniqueIdentifier and Unique ID?
- In "string and qualifier", what is the pattern (reg.ex.) to describe the
- are values like float, non-negative float or non-negative integer
identical to ?



2009/7/6 Bailer, Werner <>

> Dear all,
> as discussed in the F2F I have made the following updates:
> - Updated the table with our properties (
> according to the results of the F2F. The elements are also split into
> descriptive an technical properties. I have replaced the Xpath column (which
> I think cannot be filled in the summary table) with a media type table that
> lists the media types to which technical properties apply. An open question
> is whether we should also order the properties in the mapping tables in the
> same way (i.e. split into these two groups), which I think would simplify
> merging information from the tables.
> - Added the data type column to the MPEG-7 mapping table (
> as an example.
> - Updated the Candidate Additional elements Wiki page according to the
> decisions at the F2F and added two notes (one coming from the review of the
> Timed Text properties, the other concerning the different media types).
> Best regards,
> Werner
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Werner Bailer
>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>  phone:  +43-316-876-1218               mobile: +43-699-1876-1218
>  web:            fax: +43-316-876-1191
>  e-mail:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 20:37:15 UTC