please separate objective, testable requirements from goals/principles

I see:

"Description: the ontology MUST be available as a simple set of
properties, to hide complexity for whose who do not need it."

Words like "simple" involve judgement. (Or did I read too fast
and miss an objective definition of "simple"?)

Please let's reserve the word "requirement" for things that
are objective and testable, and use some other lable,
such as "design principle" for subjective things like "simplicity".

"Requirements should be objective and testable. This is not to say that
things that are not testable have no place; the design goals of XML 1.0
were an important part of the consensus process. But design goals,
objectives and the like should be clearly distinguished from testable,
objective requirements."

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 16:01:31 UTC