Intro and use case : AV-RSS for web video content syndication

Dear all

First of 	all let's  introduce myself. I am a senior scientist at Orange Labs in France ( previously France Telecom R&D ) . My areas of expertise are  audio visual search engines  and  social media technlogies.
I am the innovation director of a large 3 years Integrated Project started in january 2007 and funded by the European Comission named PHAROS ( cf ) .

Within this project  i am also managing  the specification of an XML format for publishing metadata of audiovisual contents available from the web.  The objective  of this format is clearly video content syndication  for Search engines and end-users. Therefore we indeed reused RSS  and media RSS but  extended them with complementary XML elements defined in our AV-RSS XML schema.
You'll see in the enclosed presentation  the purpose of the extensions of mediaRSS we made : In brief they are for : 
	1/ supporting business requirements ( content right management , buying content on-line ..  ) 
	2/ facilitating duplicate detection
	3/ facilitating  discovery of video , indexation of temporal segement
	4/ declaring  rights for search engine  related  to available contents ( in order to be cached , to be indexed, to be sumarized , to generate preview , thumbnails ...) to satisfy requirement like the one supported by  ACAP : )

	5/ managing multiple annotations shemes and languages 
  <<AV-RSSpresentation- PHAROSV2.1.pdf>> 
Unfortunetely due to my numerous current  professional activities, I can't yet commit to contrib 1 day per week to the working group and be present to all telco meeting   , but i can promiss to do my best since I am really interested in contributing to this group by sharing our requirements and our experience collected within PHAROS  and within our operational deployment of audiovisual search engines ( see for example : )   for  the definition of an interoperable  media annotation format
Particularly I would really appreciate to receive feedback on AV-RSS and get in the results of this group a largely  improved and extended format

Best Regards

Michel PLU 
Senior Scientist - multimédia services for information access -
PHAROS Innovation director 
France Télécom Recherche & Développement 
2 avenue Pierre MArzin 22307 Lannion Cedex 
Tél : 33 2 96 05 36 98 Fax : 33 2 96 05 32 86 


Received on Monday, 29 September 2008 15:43:42 UTC