[mediaann minutes] 2008-09-09 telephone conference

... are at http://www.w3.org/2008/09/09-mediaann-minutes.html and below
as text. Please check if there is a need for corrections.



[1] http://www.w3.org/


Media Annotations Working Group

09 Sep 2008



See also: [3]IRC log

[3] http://www.w3.org/2008/09/09-mediaann-irc


tobiasbuerger, raphael, VeroniqueMalaise, erik, Phil_Archer,
daniel, Plh, Felix, davy




* [4]Topics
1. [5]1. Introductions
2. [6]2. Selection of scribe
3. [7]3. Future telephone conferences
4. [8]4. Call for co-chair
5. [9]5. Resources
6. [10]6. WG Tools
7. [11]7. Editing
8. [12]8. Working Group schedule
9. [13]9. Initial work item from the charter
* [14]Summary of Action Items

1. Introductions

Felix and Daniel welcome everybody

<scribe> ACTION: all to write a short introduction on the public
mailing list [recorded in

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - all

2. Selection of scribe

There will be a scribelist, alphabetically sorted

Once one has scribbed, he goes down on the list

3. Future telephone conferences

Questionaire sent to the list by Felix

The time seems to be OK, i.e. 13:00 UTC

Nobody from the US West Coast yet ...

Tuesday is the best day

Frequency: weekly telecon

APPROVED: telecon every Tuesday, 13:00 UTC

4. Call for co-chair

<scribe> ACTION: Felix to book the bridge for the weekly telecon
[recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-1 - Book the bridge for the weekly telecon
[on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-09-16].

Current alternative chairs are Felix (also team contact) and Daniel

Call for volunteers for co-chairing

scribe: should contact Daniel and Felix first

5. Resources

Felix goes through the list of current resources

scribe: The group will work on public
... charter, mailing list, homepage

<Zakim> PhilA, you wanted to ask if there's a member-only list as

Phil: is there a member mailing list?

So far, only a public mailing list

Good standing requirement

Felix asks for whom is the first participation in a WG

Daniel and Veronique: first time

IBBT: participated in XG before

Felix gives a brief estimate of time effort: one working day for
each participant, 2 days for editors

6. WG Tools

We are using IRC, Zakim, RRSAgent, and tracker

Felix encourages participants to look at the manual of these bots

scribe: mandatory for the scribe
... any questions, contact Felix
... also plan to use bugzilla
... bugzilla takes some time to get used to it
... please enter issues in the system, but do the discussion on the
mailing list, using the issue ID. See as an example

[17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Apr/0107.html

<scribe> ACTION: Felix to give a cvs access to Daniel and to the
editors [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2 - Give a cvs access to Daniel and to the
editors [on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-09-16].

7. Editing

We want to set up an XML based environment for editing the specs

scribe: not force to use JAVA Eclipse
... a new version of Eclipse will be described by Felix and/or Phil
... more up-to-date information soon

Editing location is: [19]http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2008/

[19] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2008/

Felix goes through the list of the documents the group will produce

The group will start with the Requirements and Use Cases

<scribe> ACTION: Felix to prepare the editing environment including
templates, directories, etc. [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-3 - Prepare the editing environment
including templates, directories, etc. [on Felix Sasaki - due

>From previous experiences, the group plans to have the whole team as

scribe: a list of authors will also be provided

Call for volunteers for being editors

scribe: email Daniel and Felix, and state your experience in editing
previous specs
... declare you asap, so Felix can prepare the editing environment

8. Working Group schedule

Publication of an initial WD or requirements document around TPAC

scribe: publication just after TPAC

PhilA: Seems an ambitious schedule

Felix: some work already done, from the Multimedia XG
... people from this group might be knowledgable enough to get some
actions and push the work for a first WD

Daniel: to which document we are talking about?

Felix: we are talking about the Requirements document

>From the charter: A W3C Working Group Note for use cases and
requirements for the Media Ontology

First F2F meeting: Thu-Fri Oct 23-24, at W3C TPAC 2008,

[21] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/TPAC/Schedule.html

<PhilA> sadly that clashes with POWDER...

Raphael: quick poll who will attend

Raphael will

<VeroniqueMalaise> Veronique

<tobiasbuerger> one day clashes with another meeting

<davy> Davy will

<erik> will

<fsasaki> Felix will attend TPAC meeting

<PhilA> I will be there but only able to meet in the bar probably

Plan for a second F2F meeting

scribe: target December
... most likely 1st week
... Daniel will favor Europe

Raphael: contact the organizers of SAMT'08, possible meeting on 1st
and 2nd of December in Koblenz (Germany)
... fallback plan: meeting in Amsterdam or Belgium on Dec 8th and

9. Initial work item from the charter

Felix asks if there is any volunteer for picking one of the
standards mentioned in the charter and write a paragraph summarizing
the requirements and coverage of these standards ?

scribe: not only the standards, but the various formats, as a follow
up of the Multimedia Semantics XG

<scribe> ACTION: VeroniqueMalaise to pull out requirements of one
standard (to be decided which) [recorded in

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - VeroniqueMalaise

<erik> so could MMLab (Davy & Erik)

<scribe> ACTION: Erik to pull out requirements of one standard (to
be decided which) [recorded in

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Erik

Felix clarifies: not be tigh to the XG document

Phil: Send also use cases we have in mind to the list

PhilA: don't know yet if I can commit to do some work, want to know
what would be the use cases
... is the target of this group also to make the video watching
safer, particularly for young people?
... unclear what the scope is

Felix: feel free to send all use cases you have in mind, it does not
commit you to actually implement it

Phil: the charter mentions also some mappings between the ontology
and existing standards
... which ones should we consider?

Raphael: obvious ... IPTC, XMP, EXIF, EBU

<davy> MPEG-7

Raphael: to some extent: MPEG-7? EXIF


<PhilA> Forgive my ignorance but does that include things I get with
.wmv or .mpg files?

<scribe> ACTION: ALL to check that the list will cover the various
formats [recorded in

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - ALL

<tobiasbuerger> I think we shouldn't forget about audio specific
formats like ID3 or musicBrainz; the charter explicitely mentions

Erik: problem of the past Multimedia Semantics XG was that there
were not enough industrial partners, and over representation of

+1 Tobias

Phil: Adobe will make a call ... W3C is working on bringing more

<scribe> ACTION: ALL to check if there is standards/formats that you
would like to NOT be considered [recorded in

<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - ALL

<spark3> thanks a lot Raphael

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: ALL to check if there is standards/formats that you
would like to NOT be considered [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: ALL to check that the list will cover the various
formats [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: all to write a short introduction on the public
mailing list [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Erik to pull out requirements of one standard (to be
decided which) [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Felix to book the bridge for the weekly telecon
[recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Felix to give a cvs access to Daniel and to the
editors [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Felix to prepare the editing environment including
templates, directories, etc. [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: VeroniqueMalaise to pull out requirements of one
standard (to be decided which) [recorded in

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's [34]scribe.perl version 1.133
([35]CVS log)
$Date: 2008/09/09 13:57:04 $

[34] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
[35] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2008 14:43:25 UTC