minutes for 27 Sep 2013 telecon (please check for actions)

See http://www.w3.org/2013/09/27-mbui-minutes.html


The schema for the AUI is for the meta model and not for serializations. 
We agreed that we needed to instead provide an XML schema for 
serializations for consistency with the task model spec. Davide 
volunteered to create one, and Paolo to check it against the UML.

Jaroslav to send Dave candidate WG Note for Glossary for Dave to post to 
W3C site for final review by the WG

All of the use case owners in the introductory document need to review 
their text for consistency of structure and level of detail with use 
case 1 (car rental model).

Use case 2: digital home (ISTI)
   Davide to ask if Fabio can update this.

Use case 3: minimalistic UI (Heilbronn/DFKI)
   Gerrit and Marc to update this

Use case 4: story editor
   Paolo to update this

Use case 5: WIMP Widgets
   Sebastian to update this.

Use case 6: automotive
   Nikolaos, Marius and Gerrit to update this

Use case 7: migratory UI under human control
   Joelle and Gaelle to update this.

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 11:04:32 UTC