Re: time/location for next face to face meeting?

Dear Dave,
I also prefer Europe.
It would be a pleasure to host the meeting in Grenoble.
Personally, I can not make it before end of may.
Kind regards

Le 21 mars 13 à 18:30, Dave Raggett a écrit :

> I would assume yes to a 2 day event, possibly staged over three  
> days, with a view to allowing people where they can to fly the first  
> morning and back the final afternoon, thereby saving one night at a  
> hotel. We would need a beamer and coffee/tea etc mid morning and  
> afternoon. You also need to think about lunch arrangements, WiFi  
> network access, and suitable access to power strips for everyone's  
> computer.
> Many thanks,
>  Dave
> On 21/03/13 16:39, Heiko Braun wrote:
>> I wont be able to attend 4th april, but i should have an answer to  
>> this the week after that.
>> Are we talking about a two day event? Apart from room with beamer  
>> and beverages, what else is expected or needed?
>> Regards, heiko
>> Am 21.03.2013 um 17:15 schrieb Dave Raggett <>:
>>> On 21/03/13 12:42, Heiko Braun wrote:
>>>> I would prefer Europe over China. It keeps cost and effort to a  
>>>> minimum.
>>>> If Munich is considered an alternative I can go ahead and check  
>>>> if Red
>>>> Hat is able to host the event.
>>> Please do.
>>>> Regards, Heiko
>>>> On Mar 21, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Dave Raggett <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Many of the W3C working groups will be meeting as part of the W3C
>>>>> Technical Plenary later this year in Shenzhen, China, 11-15  
>>>>> November.
>>>>> What do the MBUI working group participants think about that?
>>>>> What about the idea of holding a face to face meeting in Europe  
>>>>> fairly
>>>>> soon, e.g. sometime from late April through early June?
>>> Best regards,
>>> --
>>> Dave Raggett <>
> -- 
> Dave Raggett <>

Gaelle Calvary, Professeur en Informatique
Chargée de mission "Société du numérique" à l'Institut polytechnique  
de Grenoble
Directeur adjoint du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
41, rue des mathématiques - BP 53 - 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France
TeŽl : (+33) (0)4 76 51 48 54 -

Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 08:34:23 UTC