Fwd: Ubiquitous Application Design Community Group Launched

You are encouraged to follow the second link and formally join the new 
group.  Note that as we may want to work on specifications, people 
working for W3C Member organizations will need to contact their Advisory 
Committee Representative for approval to join the group due to potential 
IPR considerations for work that may end up being standardized. This 
doesn't effect any open source code released by the group, and we will 
be free to choose the software license for individual projects.

p.s. I plan to add some draft introductory material to the wiki over the 
next week or so. We will also be seeking volunteers to chair (or 
co-chair) the group.

  -- Dave

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Ubiquitous Application Design Community Group Launched
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 15:12:43 +0000
From: public-council@w3.org
To: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>,Vivian Genaro MOtti 
<vivian.genaromotti@uclouvain.be>,Javier Caminero <fjcg@tid.es>,Marco 
Manca <marco.manca@isti.cnr.it>,jeanloup comeliau 
<jean-loup.comeliau@w4.eu>,Giuseppe Ghiani 
<giuseppe.ghiani@isti.cnr.it>,Javier Rodrí­guez Escolar 
<javier.rodriguez@fundacionctic.org>,Joerg Rett <joerg.rett@sap.com>,Dr. 
Safdar Ali <safdar.ali@sap.com>,Cc: public-council@w3.org

With your support, the Ubiquitous Application Design Community Group has 
been launched:

To join:

This group was originally proposed on 2013-06-26
by Dave Raggett. The following people supported its
       Dave Raggett
       Vivian Genaro MOtti
       Javier Caminero
       Marco Manca
       jeanloup comeliau
       Giuseppe Ghiani
       Javier Rodrí­guez Escolar
       Joerg Rett
       Dr. Safdar Ali

People are looking to use applications and services on a ubiquitous
range of devices. For developers, this raises the challenge of tailoring
the user experience according to the device and context in which it is
used. Application development teams involve a wide range of roles and
skills: business requirements, information systems, usability and
accessibility, graphical design and brand management, as well as the
expertise required for specific target platforms. This Community Group
seeks to bring together developers and researchers to explore and
promote techniques for context aware design that separates out different
aspects of design to speed development and reduce costs. We will do this
through gathering and discussing techniques, together with developing
open source demonstrators.

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2013 15:25:33 UTC