Next call is September 7th

I hope you all have had a pleasurable Summer holiday and are fresh and 
eager to get back to work!

Our next teleconferences for the Model-based UI Working Group will be 
this Thursday at the usual time. See:

The topics will be:

-  Appointment of new Co-Chair

-  Registering and booking accommodation for Lyon face to face

-  Progress on the Abstract UI specification

-  Progress on the Introduction to MBUI and Glossary

We are under time pressure to advance the Abstract UI spec to First 
Public Working Draft status.

  The current editor's draft includes a section on the state of the art. 
Do we want this here or should it be part of the introductory document?

How far away are we on finishing the W3C AUI meta-model?  Do we want to 
include an OWL ontology in parallel with the UML definition? What are 
the remaining issues?

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Monday, 3 September 2012 11:46:29 UTC