accessible UML for meta models

One point that came up in yesterday's call is the likely need for an
accessible version of the UML diagrams used for the meta models in the
AUI and Task Models specifications. I am not sure of the best way to do
this, and perhaps we need to think about a simple text format. An
alternative would be to export the diagrams to XMI and include the XML
as an appendix.

Am I wrong in thinking that a suitable textual format would be a 3
column table where is row shows a named relationship between two named
nodes in the diagram? The relationship name would include an annotation
for the cardinality constraints, e.g. [0:1] or [1:1]. Additional tables
would list properties for named nodes, e.g. as would be needed for the
Task node in the Task Models meta model.

More information on accessible UML:

p.s. please ensure that the resolution of the UML diagrams is
sufficiently for good quality printing. Google Docs allows you to resize
the diagrams to fit the page width.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 4 May 2012 11:36:46 UTC