[math-on-web] CG meeting minutes, 2017/10/12

Hi everyone,

Below are the minutes from the last CG meeting.

As Dani wrote, the next meeting is today (and about to start actually --
sorry for the delay for the minutes).


# MathOnWeb CG meeting 2017/10/12

* Dani's demo
  * https://codepen.io/daniwiris/pen/rGKENd/
  * https://codepen.io/daniwiris/pen/rGKENd/
  * Dani: should we use a new name or a new value?
    * flex-vertical-align vs vertical-align
  * Volker: "1child" looks weird is that normal?
    * Peter: nth-child(n+kl)
  * Volker: what about binomial notation? Where to align?
  * Peter: Tab wrote at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1339
    * "Usually, rather than explicitly indicating an element in a property,
we invert control and have the target indicate that it's the one to be used
(and when necessary, have some sort of tie-breaker for ambiguous
  * Dani: example maybe overly complicated due to alignment at minus
    * brings in all kinds of other topics (stretchy etc)
    * maybe 3x3 matrix is better
    * [discussion]
  * Neil: if we have to tell the child to be target, in the 3x3, can we
expect it to bubble it up? I.e. cell tells row tells matrix tells ...
    * Peter: CSSWG would tell us. I don't know if there are problems
      * e.g., expect we can have different cells influencing their rows and
the rows working differently
  * Volker: with matrix, what if we want to align in "the middle"
    * and we remove a row.
  * Neil: maybe it's then more about making Dani's polyfill bubble up the
  * Dani: minus sign stretch.
* Peter: stretchy chars in MathJax v3
  * https://codepen.io/pkra/pen/aLjGxZ
  * https://codepen.io/pkra/pen/NaBMOE/
  * Dani: so the main trick is scaling in the direction and using
overflow-hidden to crop it
* Dani: what are fractions like in MathJax v3?
  * Peter: I'll have to ask Davide
    * but links to pre-alpha example:
      * https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mathjax-dev/RCOg-Ca4aIk/GFRKNP-wBAAJ
      * https://rawgit.com/mathjax/mathjax-v3/demo/demo/index.html
 * Dani rewrite

Received on Thursday, 26 October 2017 15:59:48 UTC