Re: Reminder: Meeting today

Minutes from 20 JULY 2017 Math On Web telcon
Minute taker: Arno.

Dani: would like to discuss with CSS WG about possibility to incorporate
new CSS features that would suit out needs for mathematics.

At TPAC, we have the possibility to discuss with CSS WG what we would need
to display mathematics without JS.

First we would need the scope of equations we want to support: fractions,
matrix, big operators, supsub…?

Second, explain why CSS as it is is not enough to do represent those

Third, provide some hint/prototypes of what the solution could look like,
perhaps with a Javascript implementation.

We need to do some planing to prepare for this, vacations are coming up for

Neil: I’m away in August.

Neil: For large operators, would that include stretchy parens?

Dani: yes, probably.

Neil: if we can suggest to the CSS WG some non-math use cases, that will
help motivate them

Dani: which math would we want to do? For example, fractions?

Neil: Wouldn’t Peter have a list like that? Has he approached the CSS WG
already with some proposals?

Dani: not that I’m aware of. Peter has had some unofficial conversations,

Neil/John: square roots would be useful as well.

Neil: are fractions actually a problem?

Dani: sometimes the fraction bar need to be moved up or down, and it needs
to be computed depending on the font size.

Arno: we would probably need to have the concept of “math axis” similar to
the “baseline” that exist today

Dani: flex box allows vertical alignments, and that helps for fractions and
big operators

Neil: sounds like flex box is solving the problem for big operators, then?

Dani: yes, partially. But you need to move the operator to align with the
math axis.

John: sounds like we need to work on a list of those cases

Arno: we also need to think of integrals that require limits to be
displayed offset from the symbol

John: is there that list somewhere?

Neil: I thought Peter had something, but that may have been a long time ago…

Arno: I’d suggest creating a Google Docs that we could all collaborate on,
with the goal of having something ready in time for TPAC.

Dani: I will create the document and share it with the group so we can
start collaborating on these ideas.

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:36:03 UTC