Various Math in EPUB Examples to test

Hello everyone,
Well as promised here are six different alternatives to how to put mathML inside an EPUB.  We would like you all to test all of them with as many different readers and assistive technologies and let us know what you like, what you don’t like, and if there are any other combinations we should explore.

All of these examples have the same 19 equations in an ordered list but have been marked up differently.
Below the links is my findings with Voice Over on a Mac with iBooks.

Altimg_epub3.epub<> This EPUB has MathML which contains a fallback PNG image with Alt-Text inside the MathML

Ariadescribedby_epub3.epub<> This EPUB has a PNG Image with an Alt description and an ARIA-describedby which points to a hidden div containing the MathML. (This MathML has no alt image nor has an alttext description)

Ariadescribedbyalttextepub3.epub<> This EPUB has a PNG Image with an Alt description and an ARIA-describedby which points to a hidden div containing the MathML which has embedded in it an alttext description.

BasicEPUB3.epub<> This EPUB has MathML which only has an alttext fallback within the MathML, There is no altimage fallback.

MathMLCloud_epub3.epub<> This EPUB has a clickable PNG Image of the math which links to the MathML Cloud’s copy of this same equation which could be explored on the web using MathJax and AT.  It also has Alt describing the image and commented out MathML

Wiley_MathML_Sample_epub3.epub<> This EPUB shows what Wiley is currently doing which is a PNG Image of the math equation with Alt describing the equation and commented out MathML

Mac with Voice Over with IBOOKS (I was unable to explore any of the equations within iBooks using Voice Over)
Altimg_epub3: Repeats the List number of the list for each element of the math equation. Eg 3.) x + y = 2 would say  x3 +3 y3 =3 2 3.  I suspect this is a very bad Voice Over bug with Lists
Ariadescribedbyalttextepub3: Reads the equations and says “image” after describing the image.
Ariadescribedby_epub3: Reads the equations and says “image” after describing the image.
BasicEPUB3: Repeats the List number in the list for each element of the math equation.
MathMLCloud_epub3: Reads the equations and says “image” after describing the image.
Wiley_MathML_Sample_epub3: Reads the equations and says “image” after describing the image.


Charles LaPierre
Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible
Twitter: @CLaPierreA11Y
Skype: charles_lapierre
Phone: 650-600-3301

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2017 19:13:25 UTC