26/2/19 meeting notes

The meeting recording can be found here:

I'll schedule another general meeting when someone suggests some topics for
an agenda.

Here are my choppy summary notes. Apologies if I didn't capture what
someone was saying well, but it is better than the transcript that zoom
provides "With a bit awkward because the if the enemy operator with his
demo do over who's basis and mo with with large equals true and large
optical shoe is probably implicit by the path of the content is Assam
side." The recording itself is fine and if someone wants more details, I
recommend listening to the recording.

Neil: I'd like to hear about what people think should be done about content
MathML, and also how we can make presentation MathML more accessible.
Murray: I'd like to add an n-ary operator (like product, integral, ...) for
better semantics in presentation.  Used it in Word for better typography.
David: MathML has that with largeop=true (defined in operator dictionary)
Murray: Slots in n-ary operator are optional; we'd have to change from
using msup to msubsup, etc in editor when they are filling in.
Neil: Does anyone use content MathML?
David: We use Content MathML at NAG internally and make up our own
operators. Externally, only presentation MathML
Dani: We use content MathML for our symbolic algebra system. Again, only
used internally except occasionally use csymbol or ExponentialE. Legacy
editor used "piecewise". Should be a way to add that functionality to
Neil: Which part of content MathML
Dani: We really only use csymbol with a URL
David: We do something similar (an empty mi with attributes); we used
<apply> for function call
Neil: what about adding a URL to mi, mo that does what csymbol?
David: it makes the MathML way too big (half a line/symbol). Would prefer
something short like a class name.
Neil: what about a base URL specified on the math element so that the
addition is small
David: content mathml has a base url. Doesn't like it. Need to know context.
Neil: what about something on the math tag that says the field
Patrick: it is like adding types. Could standardize as time goes on
Dani: should be compatible with HTML. ARIA has "role", so maybe add
subroles. Need to make it extensible; need to work with ARIA since this is
related to accessibility.
George: There is a knowledge domain CG. Looking at "read aloud"/sync
highlighting. Need a different vocabulary
Murray (backtracking a little): there should be defaults if nothing is
specified (e.g., superscripts are powers by default). Could add words that
would change the words used for speech
Neil: Sounds like everyone is advocating something like adding a "role" or
"mathrole" attr.
Everyone: sounds ok
Neil: What about content MathML?
David: that's chap 4 and chap 5, and appendices. It is used some, just not
in browsers. Content MathML is like Brexit -- it is what it is or it goes
away entirely.
Neil: don't we have to rewrite the spec anyway
David: push layout details to the core spec, but leave higher level
descriptions in the main spec
Neil: what about adding context with an attr on the math element
David: we should fit in with what ARIA does.
George: doing that would avoid having to relabel everything for some fields.
Dani: agree with Murray that defaults are important (mfrac is normally a

Neil: lots of progress. Should talk with ARIA group about what they think
works with ARIA best.
Neil: Let me know if there is a topic that you want to discuss for another
meeting. In the meantime, the core group has lots of work on its plate.
Murray: I'm going to write a blog post about using the math alphanumerics
Neil: that might generate some discussion for a meeting.

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 18:46:38 UTC