Re: [MathML4] Multiple Formats for Presentation and Semantics

On 25/02/2019 09:44, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> I would like to present an idea for discussion for MathML4. The idea is 
> based upon the approaches to mathematical semantics from MathML3. The 
> idea is to include in MathML4 a means of providing multiple 
> presentational formats.

I wouldn't completely rule it out but I suspect there is too much 
overlap here with <semantics>.

<semantics>, despite its name, isn't just for providing semantics it's 
for supplying arbitrary structured annotations to a term, so you could 
already in mathml3 annotate a term with png, svg etc.

The display application could choose to show the png annotation of a 
<semantics> rather than the mathml in the first child, or a 
presentation-mathml annotation.



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Received on Monday, 25 February 2019 11:56:38 UTC