Re: Agenda: Low Vision Task Force 24 May 2018

Results from low vision survey (2013)

below is the list of questions asked

   - Please rate your level of vision moderate, low vision, very low vision
   - Select your age 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 60+
   - Is your low vision primarily caused by age?  y/n
   - Please rate your proficiency using the Internet – advanced,
   intermediate, beginner
   - When you read or browse the web, do you wear glasses or contact
   lenses? y/n
   - Which of the following is your primary device for navigating the web?
   Desktop, laptop, mobile
   - Which of the following do you frequently use? (Select all that apply)
   screenreader, screen mag software, browser zoom, browser text size control,
   high contrast mode, custom page color or style sheets
   - Operating System – windows, ios, apple, android, linux
   - Which of the following is your primary web browser? IE, firefox,
   chrome, safari, opera, other
   - Respondents with JavaScript enabled y/n
   - Which of the following is your primary desktop/laptop screen reader?
   Zoomtext, jaws, voiceover, nvda, system access, window-eyes, magic with
   speech, chromevox, other
   - Which of the following is your primary mobile platform? Apple idevice,
   android, nokia, blackberry windows phone, other, no response
   - Do you use the accessibility settings or accessibility software on a
   mobile phone or tablet? y/n
   - How often do you use the keyboard for web page navigation? Always,
   often, sometimes, seldom, never
   - Without applying any zoom, text, or page magnification, how do you
   find the size of text on web pages to be? Too big, too small, just right
   - Some pages include controls for users to increase the text size on
   that page. How useful to you are these text resizing widgets? Very useful,
   somewhat useful, not useful at all
   - Do you wish more pages included text resizing widgets? y/n
   - Some pages include controls for users to select other styles, increase
   contrast, or to change the colors on that page. How useful to you are these
   controls? Very useful, somewhat useful, not useful at all
   - Approximately what level of magnification do you most commonly use? No
   mag, less than 2x 200%, 2x or 200%, 3x or 300%, 4x or 400% or larger
   - How important is adequate color contrast between foreground and
   background text to you? Very important, somewhat important, not very, not
   at all
   - How useful are 'Skip to Main Content' or 'Skip Navigation' links to
   you? Very important, somewhat important, not very, not at all
   - Which of the following best describes your feelings regarding the
   accessibility of web content over the previous year? More accessible, no
   change, less accessible
   - In general, how accessible are social media web sites to you? Very
   accessible, somewhat accessible, somewhat inaccessible, very inaccessible,
   I don’t know
   - Pick top 3 Problematic items from list

1. Content that becomes unreadable when enlarged

2. Poor contrast

3. CAPTCHA - images presenting text used to verify that you are a human user

4. Pop-up windows or dialog boxes

5. Complex or difficult forms

6. Too many links or navigation items

7. Missing or improper headings

8. Poor keyboard accessibility

9. Complex data tables

10. Lack of skip to main content links

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 1:29 PM Jim Allan <> wrote:

> Full meeting
> Time: 11:00 am Eastern Time (GMT-04:00)
> IRC:  #lvtf
> Teleconference connection info (requires W3C login permission):
> Availability for Upcoming LVTF Teleconferences Survey
> <>
> Agenda+ TPAC October
> Agenda+ techniques update
> Agenda+ understanding update. 1.4.11
> Agenda+ rebooting WebAIM low vision survey - Jared Smith
> --
> Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
> Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> 1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
> voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9452
> "We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9452
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 18:53:20 UTC