Font Family

There is too much work between now and close of changes to consider font
family. So, I will let it go for now.

However, after the 2.1 draft has gone forward I would like to take it up on
LVTF again. This is because the ability to change font is a critical
capability, and we have seen since 2008 that programmers can create
unforeseen programming techniques that inadvertently remove important
capabilities from the web.

Nobody invented sprites of icon fonts to be mean, but it did prevent
deterministic font and color change. It took away high contrast settings
from users.

There are for basic uses of font family:
1) Identification of Structural Semantics (italics, headings etc.)
2) Identification of Content Semantics (mathematics symbols like double
strike N for natural numbers, and icon fonts)
3) Readable running font
4) Decoration

Users with low vision need to establish a mapping from each of these
categories into content they can read.  Today this can be done in most
cases (except Icon fonts and Mathematical Symbols). However, how long will
this last. Bright programmers come up with novel uses of features without
realizing the impact on accessibility. Do we wait until another threat to
changing font is developed, or do we just state that authors cannot
interfere with the users ability to change font family.

After the fray of getting SC's in I will show how this can be done with no
impact on the developer.  It is difficult to explain now, and the group
does not have time to read another intense quantitative document from me.

Sincerely, Wayne

Received on Thursday, 6 July 2017 17:43:16 UTC