RE: Draft Meeting Minutes: 17th February, 2016

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From: Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:25 AM
To: public-low-vision-a11y-tf
Subject: Draft Meeting Minutes: 17th February, 2016

Hi all,
Please find draft minutes at:


Shawn, Jim, Laura, Andrew, Srini, jon_avila, Wayne, Katie_Haritos-Shea
• Topics
1. References
2. I18N Script Direction
3. Legibility, Readability, etc
4. WCAG WG Approval & EOWG Review
5. Research & References
• Summary of Action Items
• Summary of Resolutions

<allanj> open item 1
<shawn> scribe:Srini
<allanj> open item 2
<shawn> +1 for after FPWD
Wayne that sounds good
Laura sounds good
<shawn> Jim: address after FPWD
<allanj> +1 for after FPWD
RESOLUTION: We will deal with placement of tracking oafter FP'WD justification issue
... We will deal with placement of justification after FPWD
<shawn> s/We will deal with placement of justification after FPWD/
<allanj> close item 2
<allanj> next item
Jim: we need to decide how that is going to work with regards to referecnes
... we need to see how we are going to work on reference document; Shawn, do you have any thoughts?
Shawn, we put reference in the notes and source. IN the intro we link to the reference pages but we don't have formal references through document
Jim: Stuff is refefenced and we need a link at beginning of the document. what do we need? do we need a doc? or at the top of the page?
Shwn - what we have is that under each section, there is a reference link and quote of text
Jim, OK.
Jim - does anyone have any suggestions / objections?
Shwan: wonders if there are multiple references, we might want to put that in here.
... possibly at the very end, we may need to put such stuff.
Wayne have a question, W3C format is straight forward... can we not use?
that is so huge. having specific references would be useful.
end up tabbing 5 different references really significant.
Wayne, we can put at the end of each section with abbreviated words
Shwwn: what about collecting in speerate page for now?
Wayne, great idea
+1 from Srini too
Welcome Andrew
<laura> +1 to what about collecting in speerate page for now
<Wayne> +1
<allanj> +1
<shawn> +1 to collecting in a separate page for now and maybe adding them to the main document later
<Ryladog> +1
<Wayne> +Wayne
RESOLUTION: Collecting references in seperate page for now and adding them to the main document later
close item
close item 1
next item
I18N Script Direction
next itemwe need volunteers to chat with i18n folks.
<shawn> LVTF Notes: Script direction: Rewrap above and Reflow below are written for left-right and right-left scripts for now for simplicity. We'll edit it to make it generic to apply also vertically to top-to-bottom scripts as appropriate — if we can without complicating it too much, or change it to example only.
<shawn> script vs. language reference says “Languages don't have a direction. Scripts have a writing direction”.
Jim, does anyone know contacts?
Srini Yes, I know a few W3C staff in India who work on localization
<shawn> I18N Working Group participants
Jim, says it's great idea to see what languages etc out there
Katie can work with Japaneese etc.,
User needs and text direction for different languages.
<shawn> also "Some people find it easier to track from the end of one line to the next with full justification, and others prefer left justification (for left-to-right scripts)."
Wayne, for some people it would be horizantla scrolling and for some it would be vertical
<allanj> ACTION: Srini to review I18N issues with Katie [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Srini'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
Katie, I also recall a few things before
Andrew that owuld be an interesting thing to know
Katie, anyone is going to be at CSUN?
Shawn, may be we should try for a brief meeting
Andrew, Jim, Shwan, Wayne, Katie will be at CSUN
<shawn> fyi, in Easy Checks <> we said "Tab order: Check that the tab order follows the logical reading order (e.g., for left-to-right languages: top to bottom, left to right) in sequence." but I think it would bee too complicated to do that in our doc for "3.2.1 Rewrap for One Direction Scrolling" & "3.2.2 Reflow to Single Column"
Srini is not there
<laura> Laura won’t be there.
Jon Avila will be at CSUN
Laura will not be there
close item 4
next item
Legibility, Readability, etc
Jim asking Wayne
Wayne, I am waiting for feedback from Gordon Legge
Jim, Jon or anyone else have anything to add?
Shwan, thinking about first to understand the range the terms and ideas used for literature
Critical font size etc., to get good understanding to figure out in our document.
it should be in layman language than research language.
Jim, we can put in researches but in plain language
Jim, we just need more research and wait for feedback from Gordon etc., after our FPWD.
Laura, welcome
Laura, it was brilliant. Seems to talk about critical font size, some of the issues like ofnt face
that is interesting for the first one that we don't have yet
Wayne, I think it was Jon if we look at the data 1989 and 1990 there was an article
lot of this stuff are talking about readability until we have web.
Laura wondering if we need glossary
Shawn: for rivers we point to wikipedia - which is not great but it's a well-referenced article
... didn't find a better pointer. it would be nice have this term in a glossary
Jim, Yes.
Jim: there is nothing against glossary by one
... that sounds like a good idea
Katie: +1
Srini: +1
<allanj> +1
Jim: we will put this on Wiki until we have a page
Laura: voulenteers to create a page
Jim: Thanks, Laura
... Put that right under references on main page of our wiki.
Laura: Will do
Shwan: FPWD, can we add a note and then to wiki link?
<allanj> +1
Laura: That sounds good
RESOLUTION: add a note, in FPWD add a draft note that we will add a glossary def for this and leave the wikipedia link for now
close item 3
next item
close item 3
WCAG WG Approval & EOWG Review
EOWG is a commenting body and WCAG WG is approval body
<shawn> AWK: WCAG WG approved
Jim: next step in process is to send to W3C Judy and get announcement etc.
Shawn: that is me
Andrew: Jim needs to write a blog post ;-)
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask people to put quotes around direct quotes (or blockquote) to differentiate between our comments
Research & References
Shwan: both research page and reference page, if you are coding directly something, there is some places we might have additional comments, we need to clear direct quoting
<shawn> Jim needs to write a blog post
Jim: is there a wiki code for direct quote vs comment?
Shawn: we can put <blockquote> in wiki
Shwan: asking wayne if there is a better way
Wayne: not sure, I have troubel doing wiki stuff.
Jim: will keep it open for now.
... will look into it.
... will go through the research page too
<allanj> ACTION: Jim add blockquote to References and Research pages appropriately [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-35 - Add blockquote to references and research pages appropriately [on Jim Allan - due 2016-02-24].
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask about blog
Shwan: last one was wondering if there are any reactions about blog. Shawn will be working on announcements
Jim: Is there more traffic on blog posts as opposed to email?
... it goes to IG
Shawn: Yes, on IG,
Andrew: it would be tough to get a blog post thinks we should go with email and tweet
Shwan: I'll send out a draft
Jim: Shawn, do you have any other issues on FPWD?
... let's rap up. see you all next week
trackbot, close meeting
<trackbot> Sorry, Srini, I don't understand 'trackbot, close meeting'. Please refer to <> for help.
trackbot, end meeting
Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Jim add blockquote to References and Research pages appropriately [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Srini to review I18N issues with Katie [recorded in]
Summary of Resolutions
1. We will deal with placement of tracking oafter FP'WD justification issue
2. Collecting references in seperate page for now and adding them to the main document later
3. add a note, in FPWD add a draft note that we will add a glossary def for this and leave the wikipedia link for now
[End of minutes]

Best regards,

Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Sr. Accessibility Consultant
Deque University | Deque

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 16:31:05 UTC