RE: IOS Press Launches Linked Data Portal

Very good effort, Krzysztof!  

I have previously looked at the full (!) Elsevier dataset (which requires special license agreement), but there although there is some RDF/XML, it is embedded deep inside JATS XML with mainly minimal DC Terms and almost no identifiers. 

On my ever-growing TODO list, kind of what you are suggesting, is to filter that to the subset that are Creative Commons, which metadata can then be freely redistributed, and make a simple script to extract the embedded RDF. (the XML from Elsevier's non-OA publications are covered by the private license agreement as the JATS includes the full article text)

But IOS LD looks like a different game, reusing ontologies like geo, foaf, dct, and spar bibo, clickable URIs (I know, this is still a new thing), YASGUI SPARQL interface, good instance rendering.  Very well!

It seems however tricky to move to the actual paper, only bibo:doi with a string literal, and no links?

Are authors only identified internally, or do you have ORCID identifiers somewhere? I found 5 ios URIs for which are at least cross-linked with owl:sameAs. Is it intended deliberate to show a person in a "role" (e.g. with a particular affiliation listed on the paper), or is it more of an artifact of the underlying data sources?

Have you considered adding VOID / DCAT metadata to the dataset download? That can give provenance/attribution/license info programmatically.

Have you set up content-negotiation correctly? I'm trying to follow say 

curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" -L -v

but it just hangs after redirecting to 
(but root is not blocked in my firewall)

Anyway, great effort!

Stian Soiland-Reyes
The University of Manchester

From: Krzysztof Janowicz []
Sent: 10 April 2018 19:08
To: Sarven Capadisli;
Subject: Re: IOS Press Launches Linked Data Portal

On 04/10/2018 10:43 AM, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> On 2018-04-10 18:18, Krzysztof Janowicz wrote:
>> Yes, exactly. IMHO, there are two big next steps. First, getting
>> authoritative data providers to publish their own data as Linked Data
>> instead of us as research community triplifiying their data. This is the
>> only way to ensure maintenance and quality on the long term. Second,
>> simplifying the interaction with Linked Data to integrate it into
>> internal as well as external workflows. I hate to say it, but many of
>> our technologies and KR languages are too complicated. Finally, ideally,
>> we would try to take the data from IOS, Springer, Elsevier, and so forth
>> and show the value proposition of Linked Data in action by designing
>> interesting services on top of them. This could be in the form of a
>> challenge or workshop. As IOS Press has also published document
>> embeddings and linked them to the papers, such services can use very
>> rich data. To some degree our Linked Data Scientometrics are such a service.
> Do you think that it may be more efficient, affordable, and reasonable
> to create and publish our own Linked Data, instead of:
> * giving our data to a third-party;
> * triplifying "their" data and having it available from their platform;
> * conducting further research and building dependency to their platform

Yes :-). It will need both. We should be publishing our own data but
also make sure that we form an ecosystem that includes parties outside
of academia. That said, their data is published under a very liberal
license so you are not really building dependencies. To achieve a
greater goal, the first step should be to join forces.

> -Sarven

Krzysztof Janowicz

Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
4830 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

Semantic Web Journal:

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 13:48:21 UTC