RE: Role of RDFa in 2016

>> I don't see how one can avoid RDFa if we consider WYSIWYG content
>> (HTML) editing with inline semantic annotations (RDF).

> Just because we edit them that way,
> doesn't mean we have to publish them that way.

> Ruben

Sure, but there are also separate advantages to having *embedded* structured data (i.e., embedded in human-readable content), as opposed to metadata that is individually available. (client-side) Web augmentation relies on gleaning the meaning of page elements, in order to automatically enhancing the webpage with all sorts of features (some simple examples: making phone numbers on the page "callable" via Skype; looking for a listed product on other web shops). For general, non-trivial cases, and on pure HTML-CSS webpages, this is a notoriously hard problem to solve. But by annotating the page elements with semantics, this becomes a trivially simple issue (disregarding issues with ontology heterogeneity, etc.).


Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2016 13:13:33 UTC