2 PhD Positions at the University of Nantes

The Distributed Data Management Group (GDD) at the University of Nantes 
(France) is inviting for 2 PhD student applications:

1) Federations of data consumers for querying linked data, more details 
at https://goo.gl/TUlRIv
2) Queries in the fog, more details at https://goo.gl/bKns9B

You have :
- a master's degree in informatics, computer science, information 
systems with good ranking.
- expertise in distributed database systems, Semantic Web/Linked Data, 
distributed systems.

To apply :

- Please send a detailed curriculum vitae, master grade transcripts, 
master class-ranking,  selected publications (if available),  a list of  
references, and your master these in one PDF file by email to: 
Hala.Skaf@univ-nantes.fr and Pascal.Molli@univ-nantes.fr.

- All applications received until September 15th, 2016 will be 
considered for the position. Applications received afterwards may be 
considered if the position is unfilled.

- Selected candidates will be interviewed on the fly.

- We expect the PhDs to start in October/November.

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2016 19:23:39 UTC