Re: Mediatypes that map to application/ld+json with a profile

On 2016-07-16 00:21, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi Sarven, Phil, Rob,
>> Are there mediatypes that map to application/ld+json with a profile?
> This begs the question why one would want to do that.

We're investigating to see what else is other than AS2 is making/stating 
such equivalences:

application/activity+json and application/ld+json; 

To the best of my know knowledge, there aren't any.

While I wholeheartedly appreciate the discussion on whether that's a 
good or bad idea, that wasn't at all my intention. [Aside: you are 
welcome to dig into past Social Web WG's discussions/meetings to see my 
strong position against the new mediatype.]

The investigation was towards Linked Data Notifications:

to see what it can mention in order to apply the robustness principle. 
It is a step towards helping people design flexible systems that wish to 
so they can be a bit more interoperable with other 
communities/implementations. That's being pragmatic.

LDN is not inventing or proposing a new mediatype, it doesn't have a 
need for it, nor there are any plans for it, neither promoting "non-LD 
stuff". Lastly, LDN has already marked this as at risk and prepared to 
hand it off to the Social Web Protocols. already addressed all this, 
satisfied all commenters, and marked as closed:



Received on Saturday, 16 July 2016 13:02:28 UTC