Re: Deprecating owl:sameAs

> On 1 Apr 2016, at 14:01, Sarven Capadisli <> wrote:
> There is overwhelming research [1, 2, 3] and I think it is evident at this point that owl:sameAs is used inarticulately in the LOD cloud.
> The research that I've done makes me conclude that we need to do a massive sweep of the LOD cloud and adopt owl:sameSameButDifferent.
> I think the terminology is human-friendly enough that there will be minimal confusion down the line, but for the the pedants among us, we can define it along the lines of:
> The built-in OWL property owl:sameSameButDifferent links things to things. Such an owl:sameSameButDifferent statement indicates that two URI references actually refer to the same thing but may be different under some circumstances.

What you need is mereologial logic so that you can start speaking of things overlapping, being mostly the same, etc...
See Slide 26 of Jim Hendler's talk ( and the whole set of slides)
"On Beyond OWL: challenges for ontologies on the Web"

> Thoughts?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> -Sarven

Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 13:32:56 UTC