Call for Papers: 18th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2015)



Brussels, Belgium, March 23-26, 2015

The series of ICDT conferences provides an international forum for the
communication of research advances on the theoretical foundations of
database systems. Originally biennial, the ICDT conference has been
held annually and jointly with EDBT (Extending Database Technology)
since 2009.

The 18th edition of ICDT will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from
March 23rd to 26th, 2015. For ICDT 2015 we again call for original
research papers that provide new insights in the theoretical
foundations of database systems.

Topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to:
Business processes and workflows; Complexity and performance;
Concurrency and recovery; Data exchange and data integration; Data
mining; Data models, semantics, and query languages; Data privacy and
security; Data provenance; Data streams; Inconsistency and uncertainty
in databases; Information extraction; Deductive databases; Distributed
and parallel databases; Logic and databases; Query processing and
optimization; Semi-structured data, graph databases and (Semantic) Web
data; Spatial and temporal databases; Transaction management; Views
and data warehousing.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline  :  August 8, 2014, 11:59pm PDT
Paper submission deadline     :  August 15, 2014, 11:59pm PDT
Rebuttal phase                :  October 17-24, 2014
Notification of acceptance    :  November 7, 2014
Camera-ready deadline         :  December 22, 2014, 11:59pm PDT
Conference                    :  March 23-26, 2015

Submission instructions

Papers must be in English and provide sufficient detail to allow the
program committee to assess their merits. They should begin with a
succinct statement of the issues, a summary of the main results, and a
brief explanation of their significance and relevance to the
conference, all phrased for the non-specialist. Technical development
directed to the specialist should follow. References and comparisons
with related work should be included. The results must be unpublished
and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including the proceedings
of other symposia or workshops.

Papers must be submitted as PDF documents no longer than 15 pages
excluding references, using the LIPIcs style
Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix which,
however, will be read at the discretion of the program
committee. Papers not conforming to these requirements may be rejected
without further consideration.

The proceedings will appear in the in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl.
This guarantees that the proceedings will be available online and free
of charge, while the authors retain the rights over their work.

One author of each accepted paper is expected to register at the
conference and to present the paper.

Submission Site

All submissions will be electronic via

Review process

The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period during
which authors will have the option to respond to reviewer
comments. Final decision will take this feedback into consideration,
and it will be made two weeks later.


An award will be given to the best paper. Also, an award will be given
to the best paper written by newcomers to the field of database
theory. The latter award will preferentially be given to a paper
written only by students; in that case the award will be called "Best
Student Paper Award". The program committee reserves the following
rights: not to give an award; to split an award among several papers;
and to define the notion of a newcomer. Papers authored or co-authored
by program committee members are not eligible for any award.

Conference Chair
Floris Geerts (U. of Antwerp)

Program Chair
Marcelo Arenas (PUC Chile)

Program Committee
Marcelo Arenas (PUC Chile)
Pankaj Agarwal (Duke U.)
Angela Bonifati (U. of Lille 1 & Inria)
Edith Cohen (Microsoft Research)
Giuseppe De Giacomo (Sapienza U. di Roma)
Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv U.)
Gaelle Fontaine (U. of Chile)
Todd Green (LogicBlox & UC Davis)
Sebastian Maneth (U. of Edinburgh)
Filip Murlak (U. of Warsaw)
S Muthukrishnan (Rutgers U.)
Reinhard Pichler (Vienna U. of Technology)
Christopher Re (Stanford U.)
Cristian Riveros (PUC Chile)
Sudeepa Roy (U. of Washington)
Cristina Sirangelo (LSV, ENS-Cachan)
Yufei Tao (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
Balder Ten Cate (LogicBlox)
Jan Van Den Bussche (Hasselt U.)
Stijn Vansummeren (U. Libre de Bruxelles)
Victor Vianu (UC San Diego)
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden)

Publicity & Proceedings Chair
Martin Ugarte (PUC Chile)

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2014 20:57:26 UTC