Real-world concept URIs

Hi list,

Short version:

I want real-world concepts to be able to have a URI without a "http://". 
You cannot transfer any real-world concept over an Internet protocol 
anyway. Why I would consider changing this can be

  * If you don't agree, why?
  * If you do agree, should we change the definition of a URI? Will this 
break existing Linked Data infrastructure?

Long version:

I'm overlooking the development of a hypermedia application* at a server 
which redirects all http://{foobar} URIs towards https://{foobar}. 
Furthermore, in order to make a distinction between real-world objects 
and their representation, I have added "#object" at the end of the URIs 
for the real-world objects in the store behind it.

Now I have to explain these developers that each time a request is done 
on the website, they will have to look up what the requested URI was, 
then substitute https:// with http:// and then concatenate "#object" to 
the URI, in order to be able to find statements which will be useful in 
the application. The reason behind this is of course the real-world 
objects which cannot be retrieved over HTTP, yet the representation has 
a different URI, which is automatically generated as everything starting 
at "#" gets deleted anyway.

Now I also have to convince another reuser of the data, a native 
application builder, that he should use these URIs with http:// and 
"#object". Inside his application, he does have his own style of 
identifiers, which looks very close to URIs, the only thing that lacks 
is the protocol. So I've asked him to add the protocol to the URIs for 
real-world objects and add "#object" at the end. He ended up giving me 
something with "https://" in the beginnen. Which makes a lot of sense: 
that's what works on the Web, but sadly not in my store.

This process could have been a lot simpler with a tiny change: allowing 
URIs identifying real-world objects not to have a protocol. Why would 
you add http:// to something you cannot GET anyway? What if we would 
allow our real-world URI to be just {foobar} and the URI of the 
representation being http://{foobar} or https://{foobar}? Now the 
developers just have to remove the protocol in order to find useful 
triples about what the client requested in the store.

This would make sense in a lot of cases: e.g., my organization is, and its Web representation can be found at 
Filling out in a browser will automatically refer you to its 

Your thoughts?

Kind regards,


* This application I'm working on:

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2014 13:46:07 UTC