Re: Updated LOD Cloud Diagram - what is the message?

On 2014-08-18 11:06, Christian Bizer wrote:
> So we don’t plan to push a specific message with the diagram, but I
> agree with you that the release of the diagram could be a good occasion
> for the community to discuss the possible messages/conclusions that one
> could draw from it and I would be happy if more people would comment on
> this.

Even if there is no explicit message, there is one due to the diagram's 
history. The current diagram that's about to be released is not a 
continuation of the 2011 diagram. However, it comes across as such, 
since the diagram has the same presentation. I am not making a case 
whether one or the other is more appropriate for the purpose it is 
trying to fulfil, but that there is a clear distinction between the 
information underneath and that deserves extra attention.

> Personally, I think it is quite interesting to compare the deployment of
> Microdata/RDFa/Microformats and Linked Data on the Web. We also
> investigated the deployment of Microdata/RDFa/Microformats  [1][2] and
> the comparison currently looks like this:

Why list RDFa along with Micro*? More importantly, why remove it from 
the other "first-class" Linked Data?

> Thus, it makes sense that we see Linked Data adoption within communities
> that have an interest in making their data easy to use and thus are
> willing to invest effort into this, like libraries, government and
> science (with life science and language processing being the first
> communities adopting the technologies) and social networking.

You do not truly believe that, do you? If you thought that Linked Data 
was a worthwhile effort, you would be delivering the research/science 
behind the updated diagram document as such in a machine-friendly manner.

The question is, why are you not publishing your science using the 
available Linked Data stack?

> This are my two cents to the overall discussion and I would be very
> happy to hear what others think about the message that can be drawn from
> the new diagram. awaits 
your kind reply.


Received on Monday, 18 August 2014 10:22:41 UTC