Re: Minimizing data volume

On 09/09/2013 11:47 AM, Frans Knibbe | Geodan wrote:
> Hello,
> In my line of work (geographical information) I often deal with high
> volume data. The high volume is caused by single facts having a big
> size. A single 2D or 3D geometry is often encoded as a single text
> string and can consist of thousands of numbers (coordinates). It is easy
> to see that this can cause performance issues with transferring and
> processing data. So I wonder about the state of the art in minimizing
> data volume in Linked Data. I know that careful publication of data will
> help a bit: multiple levels of detail could be published, coordinates
> could use significant digits (they almost never do), but it seems to me
> that some kind of compression is needed too. Is there something like a
> common approach to data compression at the moment? Something that is
> understood by both publishers and consumers of data?
> Regards,
> Frans

You might want to look into RDF HDT [1].



Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 10:30:41 UTC