Opinions sought: characterisation of relationships in terms of roles and events



I am seeking feedback on a proposal for how to describe the context of a
relationship that exists between two entities, e.g. a person and an
organisation. Any thoughts on this proposal would be very welcome. 


Thank you




Metadata exists that relates two entities and involves a role performed
by one of the entities, e.g. 


<http://example.org/id/workA> <http://example.org/vocab#hasAuthor> <
http://example.org/id/personA> .


In this example the two entities are "work" and "person", and the role
is "author". 



There is a requirement to describe this relation in context, e.g. in
time, and space. 




Illustration of how a relationship between entities can be described in
terms of a role and an event and given context with event properties


The proposal is:


*         Define relations in terms of events and roles, and associate
contextual information with the event

*         Identify events and define as classes

*         Identify roles that exist for each event and define roles as
individuals and members of the class "Role"

*         Define object properties for each role e.g. hasTeacher with a
range of "RoleInEvent"

*         Identify the entities (besides roles) that are associated with
an event and define object properties for each event entity 

*         Define additional contextual information that are common to
all events as object properties, e.g. time, location, process, reason

*         Define a class called "RoleInEvent" to link a role, a role
player and an event


Example RDF:

@prefix ludo: <http://vocab.ox.ac.uk/ludo# <http://vocab.ox.ac.uk/ludo>


<http://example.org/id/personA <http://example.org/id/personA> >
ludo:hasRoleInEvent <http://example.og/id/RoleInEventA
<http://example.og/id/RoleInEventA> > .


<http://example.org/id/RoleInEventA <http://example.og/id/RoleInEventA>
> [ 

    a ludo:RoleInEvent ;

    ludo:hasRole ludo:Employee ;

    ludo:hasEvent <http://example.org/id/EmploymentA
<http://example.org/id/EmploymentA> > 

    ludo:hasRolePlayer <http://example.org/id/personA
<http://example.org/id/personA> > .

] .


<http://example.org/id/organisationA> > ludo:hasRoleInEvent <
http://example.og/id/RoleInEventB <http://example.og/id/RoleInEventB> >


<http://example.org/id/RoleInEventB <http://example.org/id/RoleInEventB>
> [ 

    a ludo:RoleInEvent ;

    ludo:hasRole ludo:Employer ;

    ludo:hasEvent <http://example.org/id/EmploymentA
<http://example.org/id/EmploymentA> > ;

    ludo:hasRolePlayer <http://example.org/id/organisationA
<http://example.org/id/organisationA> > .

] .


<http://example.org/id/EmploymentA <http://example.org/id/EmploymentA> >


    # type of event

    a ludo:Employment;


    # roles that exist for event

    ludo:hasEmployee <http://example.org/id/RoleInEventA
<http://example.org/id/RoleInEventA> >;

    ludo:hasEmployer <http://example.org/id/RoleInEventB
<http://example.org/id/RoleInEventB> >;


    # contextual information address when, how, where, why

    ludo:hasTime <http://example.org/id/TimeA
<http://example.org/id/TimeA> >;

    ludo:hasProcess <http://example.org/id/ProcessA
<http://example.org/id/ProcessA> >;

    ludo:hasLocation <http://example.org/id/LocationA
<http://example.org/id/LocationA> >;

    ludo:hasReason <http://example.org/id/ReasonA
<http://example.org/id/ReasonA> >; 

] .





Illustration of how to represent a relationship between two entities in
terms of a role and an event, using an intermediate class called


Illustration of an object property (hasAuthor) defined for an authoring
event that links the event to RoleInEvent, a class that links a role, a
thing holding that role, and an event



Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 10:56:22 UTC