Re: How to publish SPARQL endpoint limits/metadata?

On 10/08/2013 11:46 AM, Frans Knibbe | Geodan wrote:
> I am experimenting with running SPARQL endpoints and I notice the need
> to impose some limits to prevent overloading/abuse. The easiest and I
> believe fairly common way to do that is to LIMIT the number of results
> that the endpoint will return for a single query.
> I now wonder how I can publish the fact that my SPARQL endpoint has a
> LIMIT and that is has a certain value.

Besides VoID and SD as others already mentioned, here is another take on 
this problem:

While I can see that making the feature or configuration set available 
and machine-friendly is a nice to have, I don't know of any tooling 
that's out there, is capable of factoring in this type of information. 
Not to mention whether the triple statements which pertain that 
information will be /easily/ identifiable by users.

I feel that something like this may better announced in plain ol' 
documentation any way.


Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:24:16 UTC