expressing SKILLS

Ahoy o/

I would like to figure out how we (general human population) can express our skill sets as LD. As well as our *intention* to #skillshare - learn and teach (or I prefer to see the second as *assisting others with learning*)

I see various online services where people can create profile and add to it their skills. Sadly most of them works as proprietary silos. I would like to create for myself a proper WebID profile, similar to ones in or  and start expressing my skills there as LD. Later on, while starting to participate in various online services, I would demand that instead of throwing a form at me (and contributing to my networking fatigue), they just consume my linked open profile. Of course for services running open source code I can also take more proactive approach and offer help with implementing such features!

I would also like to look if folks from Mozilla feel like aligning their to use JSON-LD. On their mailing list I remember mentions of and

To offer an example, I would like to publish on my independent open linked profile:

I can repair bicycles (a claim)
Other people also say that I can repair bicycles (verifications of my claim)
My history of volunteering in community bike repair shops (claims)
My history of participation in skillsharing events related to bike repair with distinction of learning and teaching (claims)
Other people also saying that I participated in all the activities stated above (verification of my claims)
I don't want to learn bike rapair
I could help with teaching bike repair

(i skip now labeling claims and verifications of them)

I can program with ruby
Open source repositories where I committed .rb files
I gave those talks about ruby during conferences
I would love to learn more ruby
I would love to help with teaching ruby

I can play guitar
Online audio where one an hear me playing guitar
I would love to learn how to play guitar
I don't want to help with teaching how to play guitar

We organize workshop on programming with javascript
One can learn how to program javascript
One can help with teaching how to program with javascript

We maintain open source project
Contributing requires skills in ruby on rails
Contributing requires skills in rspec
Contributing requires skills in gitflow


Some of example projects which might adopt open way of expressing sills:
more timebanking services ;) (already using open badges!)

I appreciate all suggestions on implementation details as well as other collaboration spaces where people already work on such topic or might feel interested in #DIT[1] :)

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

[1] Doing It Together

Received on Monday, 24 June 2013 11:32:26 UTC