Re: Linked Stuff [was Re: RDF's challenge]

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 5:26 AM, Mike Bergman <> wrote:

> I do not personally think you are "lying" or "fraudulent" or some of
> David's other claims, but you are a pain in the ass, for sure

If he's a pain in the ass to you, you can simply ignore this conversation.

My counsel, which I'm sure you will ignore, is to just keep your mouth in
> your pocket for a while.

I sincerely hope he won't keep his mouth shut. This is an open mailing list
and anyone is welcome to participate. I actually admire Kingsley
proactiveness on subjects like these, and they always end up in important
outcomes. I'm not sure who you are Mike, but I don't think you're in the
position of asking someone to be quiet for speaking their mind.

Frankly I feel Kingsley is bringing up interesting points regarding SPARQL.
If SPARQL is in Tim-B Lee's meme, then why isn't SPARQL also the
cornerstone of Linked Data just as RDF?

I think SPARQL is an important technology which also defines Linked Data.

Linked Data grows and evolves each day. Today there's lots of tech that
defines it (SPARQL, URIs, HTTP, RDF), but it might change in the future

Just as for the Web, maybe things such as CSS and JavaScript weren't the
cornerstone of defining what the Web was 10 years ago, but they certainly
are today.


Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:13:24 UTC