CfP: Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data (ESWC workshop)

Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data (ESWC workshop)

SALAD ingredients
Who? people from the Semantic Web, Web services, and REST communities
What? novel ideas, concepts, and applications that combine Linked Data and Web APIs / services
When? ESWC workshop on May 26/27, 2013 – submission deadline: March 4, 2013
How? an interactive workshop with lots of discussion, accepted paper presentations and keynote speaker Mike Amundsen (
Where? Montpellier, France at the ESWC conference (

⚖ Recipe
Current developments on the Web have been marked by the increased use and popularity of Linked Data and Web APIs. However, these two technologies remain mostly disjunct in terms of developing solutions and applications in an integrated way. Therefore, we aim to explore the possibilities of facilitating a better integration of Web APIs and Linked Data, thus enabling the harvesting and provisioning of data through applications and services on the Web. In particular, we focus on investigating how resources exposed via Web APIs can be used together with Web semantic data, as means for enabling a shared use and providing a basis for developing rich applications on top.

✎ Shopping list
The main goal of this workshop is to explore the possibilities of enabling a more integrated and automated use of Web APIs, given the context of the growing importance of Linked Data and applications, benefiting from the available resources. Relevant topics include:
  - integrated use of Linked Data and Web APIs
  - moving from individual APIs and data sets towards integrated solutions
  - differences and parallels between Linked Data and Web APIs
  - semantically discovering, searching, and browsing Web APIs
  - describing Web APIs and Linked Data
  - intelligent clients for Linked Data and APIs
  - methods for automatically dealing with failures in Web APIs
  - approaches for the creation of Web API directories 
The above list is not exhaustive and we therefore actively encourage participants to be creative. 
A final goal is to provide future initiatives with the devised ideas and visions to stimulate innovation in this research area.

♨ Preparation instructions
Would you like to show your work at the SALAD workshop? Great!
We offer several opportunities to participate in SALAD:
- long papers: up to 8 pages (if you need more, just e-mail us at
- short papers: up to 4 pages
- demos: up to 2 pages
- food for thought: 1 page / slide / web page / image / movie

Your submission can be posted through EasyChair ( or e-mailed (

Accepted papers will be published as CEUR workshop proceedings. Selected papers will be included in a separate ESWC workshop papers volume.

⌚ Preparation time
Submission: March 4, 2013. 
Notification: April 1, 2013 
Camera ready: April 15, 2013.
Workshop: May 26/27, 2013.

⚘ Nutritional information
Program committee
Sudhir Agarwal, Stanford University, USA
Jan Algermissen, NORD Software Consulting
José Luis Ambite, University of Southern California, USA
Mike Amundsen, Layer 7, USA
Sven Casteleyn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Peter Haase, fluidOps, Germany
Armin Haller, CSIRO, Australia
Andreas Harth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Katja Hose, Aalborg University, Denmark
Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft, Netherlands
Jacek Kopecký, KMi, Open University, UK
Erik Mannens, iMinds – Multimedia Lab – Ghent University
Barry Norton, Ontotext, UK
Axel Polleres, Siemens, Australia
Sebastian Speiser, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Jürgen Umbrich, DERI Galway, Ireland
María-Esther Vidal, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela
Erik Wilde, EMC, USA

Maria Maleshkova, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ruben Verborgh, iMinds – Multimedia Lab – Ghent University
Thomas Steiner, Google Germany GmbH, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Steffen Stadtmüller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Pedro Szekely, University of Southern California

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 08:11:04 UTC