Re: rNews RDFa in BBC News

Aren't resource and typeof attributes of the <title> or <html> (not the <head>) ?  The BBC can serve the customers or feed the Google, but not both.  

 From: Jeremy Tarling <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:27 AM
Subject: rNews RDFa in BBC News
Hello all

I am working with BBC News on implementing some RDFa in article pages on rNews seems like the best candidate for us in terms of expressiveness and wider adoption, so I am thinking, as a first iteration, we will add something like this to article pages:

<head prefix="rnews:"
resource="{published URL}"
<meta property="rnews:headline" content="{headline}"/>
<meta property="rnews:description" content="{description}"/>
<meta property="rnews:thumbnailUrl" content="{thumbnail URL}"/>
<meta property="rnews:datePublished" content="{date published}"/>
<meta property="rnews:creator" content="<>"/>

We are currently working on an internal project to identify the real-world concepts mentioned in our stories and associate them back with the published article; when this is available we will add the following:

<meta property="rnews:about" content="{GUID for person/place/organisation}"/>
<meta property="rnews:mentions" content="{GUID for person/place/organisation} "/>

Separately we will publish the BBC GUIDs we have created for person/place/organisations with sameAs links towikidata/freebase/dbpedia.

Does anyone see any problems with this approach?



Jeremy Tarling
Data Architect, BBC News
4th Floor New Broadcasting House
London W1A 1AA

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 15:25:57 UTC