Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data

On 1/7/13 10:35 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>     ## Turtle Content Start ##
>     <> a <#Document> .
>     <> <#topic> <#i> .
>     <#i> a <#Person> .
>     <#i> <#name> "Kingsley Idehen" .
>     <#i> <#nickname> "@kidehen" .
> I wonder if it's better to use : in the predicates, rather than, # ?
Not at step one. Remember, this is about a basic introduction where the 
focal point is showing how Turtle enables simple rendition of basic 
natural language sentence structure. Once the above is assimilate, you 
have context for showcasing the benefits of cross referencing with 
existing vocabularies e.g., FOAF. Thus, the next step would include the 
addition of a cross reference section that goes something like this:

## Step 2 of 3 ##
## Predicate/Verb Cross References ##

<#Document> <> 
<> .
<#Person> <> 
<> .
<#topic> <> 
<> .
<#name> <> 
<> .
<#nickname> <> 
<> .

After the above has been assimilated and their effects appreciated, you 
have context for introducing prefixes:

## Step 3 or 3 ##
## Predicate/Verb Cross References using prefixes to reference namespaces ##

@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .

<#Document> owl:equivalentClass foaf:Document .
<#Person> owl:equivalentClass foaf:Person .
<#topic> owl:equivalentProperty foaf:topic .
<#name> owl:equivalentProperty foaf:name .
<#nickname> owl:equivalentProperty foaf:nick .



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Received on Monday, 7 January 2013 16:40:51 UTC