Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data

Excerpts from Brent Shambaugh's message of 2013-01-01 02:16:28 +0000:
> Dear all,
> This spring I started a blog that deals with Linked Data, among other
> things. It is called A Distributed Economy. I am not certain that it will
> work, or that I even will be able to accomplish it on my own. The exciting
> thing however, is that I am discovering that a lot of the parts of it are
> being built. I hope that sharing this blog will be of value to the
> community. I cannot claim to be an expert. Actually, my formal education is
> in Chemical Engineering. But it is exciting.
> It may be found at:
> If you'd like, please let me know what you think. I'm always trying to
> discover new things, and discover things I haven't thought of.
Hi Brent,

What do you try to accomplish in terms of 'Economy'? While ago I started this (still not really active) CG:

Which I would like to soon start working on more systematically and possibly rename it to Economic I/O
Another attempt to visualize direction I want to take in my work on economy you can find:

On Linked Data side I would like us to have sophisticated information infrastructure, with knowledge graphs helping in our decision making processes related to economic consumptions/contributions. Considering myself current finances as very primitive, naive, legacy information system build while not having current technical capacities!

Not sure if you follow Web Payments CG where people also use LD heavily:

Cheers :)

Received on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 09:40:54 UTC