I've built www.vocabs.org - A community driven website that allows you to build RDF vocabularies

Dear all,

It's my first time here, but I've been attracted to the Linked data
initiative for quite a while now. A couple of weeks ago I needed to build
my first RDF vocabulary. I cannot tell you how hard this process was for an
RDF newbie as myself. I had to read a couple of books, and read a lot all
over the web before I could get a grasp of it all.

Even after understanding the linked-data context, and how the technologies
involved worked, I was still left with a set of tools that I thought were
pretty limited. I had to download apps, that did or didn't work. And learn
various different programming APIs to generate the RDF that I wanted. I can
only imagine the difficulty a non-techie person would have when trying to
build a vocabulary.

Another issue that I confronted when looking for existing vocabularies, was
that most of the time they were created by a single entity (a group of
people) that knows about the lexicon of the subject. I think this is quite
limited as well. A vocabulary should be open and agreed upon a group of
people. It should be community-driven. It should be crowd-sourced and
validated, the same way correct answers are validated on Stackoverflow.

So in a couple of days I built http://www.vocabs.org/ that does exactly
this. It allows people, with very little technical experience, to start
creating vocabularies (entirely through the web-interface). Not only that,
but different users can then join and comment, and add new vocabulary
terms. An example of this: http://www.vocabs.org/term/WineOntology (*hint*
click "download" at the top).

I was just wondering what the Semantic community thinks of this idea. I
hope it's clear what I'm trying to achieve here, but maybe a better
explanation would be here: http://www.vocabs.org/about


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 22:29:11 UTC