DBpedia Querys [Re: ]

Sureth, perhaps you're hitting query time-out or hard-coded limits. Have 
you considered loading DBpedia yourself, rather than using the public 

Incidentally, your query can be rewritten in SPARQL 1.1 as

CONSTRUCT WHERE {?film a <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Film> }

If you'd like to learn more about SPARQL please do consider spending 
some time with the EUCLID learning materials, where this shortcut is 
already mentioned (and will be covered in the Querying chapter, whose 
webinar is on the 4th):



On 12/02/13 13:40, Suresh Partha wrote:
> I am makinng following CONSTRUCT Query in DBPedia. There are around 
> 60000 Films in DBPedia,
> but when I make the following query, I am not able to construct a RDF 
> Graph of more than 50001 triples.
> Why?
> {
> ?o <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> 
> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Film> .
> }
> {
> ?o <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> 
> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Film> .
> }  limit 59000
> Thank you,
> Suresh

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 14:03:12 UTC