Re: Linked data sets for evaluating interlinking?

Hi Hugh,

> So, for example, if you wanted Adrian's data, then I can give it to you.
> (I have queried the SPARQL endpoint to put stuff in Both owl:sameAs and skos:exactMatch.)
> I have lots of bibliographic ones, especially national libraries, who have often sent me the data.
> (British, German, US, Japanese, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Hungarian … as best I recall.)
> I also have the VIAF data.
> This is all aggregated in and other stuff is kept in some sameAs stores - see

Nice work!! And a small question…..
I was wondering if there is an endpoint in for using SPARQL queries? 
And for the data sets you receive, do they all have a specific terms of license? which one/ones?

Thanks again for maintaining such a great service!


Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 08:10:28 UTC