Re: Restpark - Minimal RESTful API for querying RDF triples


you might be inspired by the depths of the openRDF Sesame API [1],
were it is necessary to implement the "getStatements(Resource,URI,Value)
method when writing a SAIL (storage and inference layer) implementation.
what happens in the getStatements method is up to the implementer, you
can basically make anything a triple store. i myself did tests with
implementing SAILs for 4store, lucene [2], virtuoso, apache's jackrabbit
also with mongodb, hbase or zookeeper even with the g+ api as a backend.

fact of the matter : if i want statements i dereference with my desired
format in the accept header and parse the response. 
for anything else i need sparql.

wkr j


please note :
there is a model hierarchy within the sesame api.
a resource in this case can be a bnode or a uri, a value a uri or a

On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 19:52 +0200, Luca Matteis wrote:
> I have recently created Restpark:
> It's my way of pushing a standard RESTful interface for accessing RDF
> data. Still in its very infancy but hopefully it can be something to
> consider. I personally think the Semantic Web community desperately
> needs a simpler protocol for querying RDF, along side SPARQL. I have
> nothing against SPARQL, it's an important standard to have. But
> something simpler and RESTful needs to be part of the Semantic Web
> stack.
> The entire web community is used to consuming APIs as simple HTTP
> requests (REST). Would you imagine GitHub, Flickr, or any other
> web-service API actually exposing SQL instead of their RESTful API? It
> would make things a bit more complicated for third-parties in my
> opinion, but more importantly it would make things so much more
> complicated for services to implement.
> I would love to think what the community thinks about this. 
> Best,
> Luca

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
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Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 23:15:01 UTC