Re: Sorry, I don’t speak SPARQL - A Survey

Hello Jens,

That's a good initiative.

you should give the prefixes in your survey so one can verify the labels in
the ontology and understand resources , properties and classes used in the

As I understand it is all about dbpedia so :

PREFIX res : <>
PREFIX dbp : <>

*Dr. Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche
Research & Development
Tel :  + 33 (0)1 44 92 35 07
Skype : pierre-yves.vandenbussche


*Mondeca**          **                   *
3 cité Nollez 75018 Paris, France
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On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Jens Lehmann <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> many Semantic Web applications are currently based on SPARQL. In
> particular, an increasing number of systems, such as question answering
> systems, keyword search or search by example internally construct SPARQL
> queries. However, lay users do not understand this language, so it is
> difficult to give the user feedback on what queries the system constructed.
> To address the gap between SPARQL and natural language, the AKSW and CITEC
> groups [1,2] have devised an approach for transforming SPARQL queries to
> natural language.
> You (yes, you ^_^) can help us by judging the quality of the translations
> we present in this survey:
> The survey can be done by both - SPARQL experts and lay users. For lay
> users, it takes 5 minutes to complete and 15 minutes for experts. In
> addition to the interesting (sometimes challenging) questions, there are
> also great prices to win. 10 randomly selected participants will receive
> Amazon vouchers:
> 1st price: 200 Euro
> 2nd price: 100 Euro
> 3rd price: 50 Euro
> 4th - 10th price: 25 Euro
> If you want to win a price, you need to fill in your name at the end of
> the survey.
> Kind regards,
> Axel Ngonga, Lorenz Bühmann, Christina Unger, Daniel Gerber and Jens
> Lehmann
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 17:12:00 UTC