Re: Cultural Heritage Data

On 5/22/12 7:27 AM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> Hi,
> Well Dominic's site is definitely not isolated.
> It is very well linked at the ontology level, not instance, however.
> I thought his question was timely, since TimBL asked the question at the panel at LOD2012 as to whether the criteria for inclusion in the LOD Cloud should be changed.

If the rules the cloud are ABox oriented, then they absolutely needs to 
be changed. Especially as TBox linkage is actually really powerful. 
There's nothing like a TBox enhanced Linked Data tour when exploiting 
follow-your-nose patterns.
> Personally I think it is a shame that such a resource should lose a lot of its visibility because it does not pass the rules.
> And I think that putting links in simply to get into the Cloud is not something that should be encouraged - links should be put in because they are sensible.

I hope Linked Data by its very nature implies sensible linkage when it 
comes to the LOD Cloud.
> Without visibility, others (such as you!) will be less aware of it and so not build the links that would actually bring it into the cloud without Dominic doing anything (as you are now thinking of doing, since Dominic has made you more aware of it).

As the Cloud gets denser serendipitous discovery will increase. As the 
Read-Write dimension takes shape via Data Wikis, ad-hoc additions of 
nuggets (instead of massive data sets) will also become the norm.

The Read-Write angle will continue to be slow if the community (as a 
whole) doesn't invest in WebID comprehension and adoption :-)

> Best
> Hugh
> On 22 May 2012, at 08:42, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>> Hi Dominic,
>> I guess that it was with the LOD *cloud* that you had issues. It looks a bit severe, but I think I understand the motivations: if the cloud admitted isolated nodes, it would have many of them, and that would look weird... But of course that does not make your contribution less interesting. On the contrary, the BL work has incredible potential for our domain!
>> Btw let me know if you're interested in links with We can maybe try something...
>> Best,
>> Antoine
>> PS: I'm copying the email to the LOD-LAM list: I suppose some people will be interested to continue the discussion with you there!
>>> +1 (best I can do).  FWIW, the day buying your way in ceases to be the certain method of acceptance will be a very good day for all.
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>>> *From:* Dominic Oldman<>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 21, 2012 1:10 PM
>>> *Subject:* Cultural Heritage Data
>>> Hugh suggested that I post this.
>>> We are currently working with other museums aligning our catalogue data using the CIDOC-CRM ontology. We can now run single federated queries based on semantic alignment without the need to insert specific linking triples. When we applied to advertise our site on the LOD cloud we were turned down because we hadn’t inserted specific links to other data sources. I realise that I could just stuff in a few links to Dbpedia to get accepted - but given that we can harmonise data to a very high degree with another open CRM RDF data source perhaps we should still be allowed formal acceptance to the open data community.
>>> Dominic Oldman
>>> *Deputy Head of IS *
>>> *IS Development Manager*
>>> *ResearchSpace Principal Investigator*
>>> *British Museum*
>>> +44 (0)20 73238796
>>> +44 (0)7980 865309



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Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 15:13:13 UTC